Wednesday 10 April 2013

Lesson five….Writing the Song (or how to hang in there when the going gets tough)

Well, here I am going round the bend, almost on the home stretch. It’s been an interesting run. Eager to get going. Zooming out of the starting blocks, racing along in the lyrical sections, heart pumping, breathing out words and rhymes….then almost coming up lame in lesson four. What me? Provide a melody, and sing to it, yet?

Well I managed to keep on going, but barely. Eked out a sort of melody, and tried to sing my lyric, over and over again. Painful on my vocal chords. Painful to hear. But then I get the peer evaluation back, and one kind soul, writes "Wow! A real song! +1000000 points to you." I don’t know about you, but to me his comment seemed genuine. Okay, so I took it as a compliment….a somewhat misguided compliment, but just the same, it was enough to keep me going.

So, spurring myself on, I wrote a new lyric for lesson five, about teenage love, and tried to set it to a hip hop beat. Now, this is not a genre I’ve ever written in, let alone try to get a hip hop beat working; but it’s done, and submitted. I tried to kinda rap out the lyric in my best chilled down voice….but I still sound very geeky, and off the rhythm.

But hey, who’s gonna hear it? Embarassing – yes!!  But maybe, later I’ll give the lyric to a co-writer who writes in this vein, and see what happens. At the very least, it was an interesting experiment.

So, I’m still trotting along. Wondering what lesson six will bring. Maybe I will reach the finish line, after all.

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