Friday 8 March 2013

Blog 2 - Storyboard Boxes

Week One.....The Storyboard

In a book or a movie, the story has an arc.....a beginning, a middle, and an end. Usually the story is laid out chronologically; but sometimes the author crosses over the time dates forwards and backwards in time, depending on his methods and skill in developing the story line.

Here in week one, Pat talks about the storyboard of a song. It's laid out in three boxes....a beginning, a middle, and an end. Each box grows in importance as it builds on the storyline (or concept) from the previous boxes.....and ends with the climax in the third box. The 'why' of the song.

The song title I chose to work with was "Home Brew". I see this as our home upbringing. How we are raised, and what we experience at home, has a big impact on our future lives. Words that sprung to mind (along with some help from the dictionary):

Verbs: brew, simmer, steep, ferment, make, develop, shape, bring about, create, give rise to,concoct, distill, soak, form, blend, infuse, stew, prepare, cook, gather, mingle

Nouns: brew, combination, medley, hodgepodge, mixture, result, jumble, outcome, yield, output, concoction, blend, infusion, fusion, potpourri, blend

Luckily, we didn't have to write the song....just outline the bones of the song in those three boxes.

Box 1 ......the singer describes her upbringing, her home and her family (the ingredients for the brew)
Box 2 .....describes how her family relate to one another (the blend)
Box 3 ..... describes how her upbringing impacts her future life (the impact of the brew)

The singer is the relating this to her best friend. The April sun is streaming through the kitchen window, and over the table where they are drinking coffee. The singer is pregnant with her first child, and is telling her girlfriend how fortunate she was to grow up in a stable loving home environment, and that she hopes that she and her husband can recreate that same 'home brew' feeling for their up-coming family.


  1. Love the visuals, and where you took this!

  2. Nice job Lucy. Whether the listener has experienced a quality upbringing or not, the passing on of good values and stable loving environment is certainly the desire that everyone has. Relatable and I would imagine the lyrical component would dabble on the that sun...that coffee...that reflection of a world once known being passed on.

